Nagzira National Park – The Fauna
There are about 34 species of mammals, 166 species of birds including migratory land and water birds, 36 species of reptiles and about 4 species of amphibia and several fishes in this national park.
There are nearly 34 species of mammal
belonging to about 8 natural orders and 16 families are seen in this national park, out of which about 14 species are of endangered status. Some of the
notable mammals found here are Bengal tiger, Indian leopard, jungle
cat, small Indian civet, Asian palm civet, Indian
wolf, golden jackal, sloth bear, honey badger, Indian giant
flying squirrel, gaur, four-horned antelope, spotted
deer, sambar deer, nilgai, Indian spotted chevrotain, elephant, and Indian
There are about 36 species of reptiles
belonging to 2 natural orders and 11 families out of which about 6 species are
of endangered status namely Indian rock python, Dhaman, Indian
cobra, Russell’s viper, checkered keelback and Bengal monitor lizard.
The invertebrate fauna includes
a number of butterflies and other insect species. There are about 49
butterfly species belonging to 9 families, can be found in this national park.
The most prominent butterflies include the common rose, common
Mormon, lime butterfly, common sailor, common Indian crow, and black
There are about 166 species belonging
to about 16 different orders and 47 families are found in this national park. About
15 species of migratory birds and 42 species of local migrants are reported
from this national park. The bar-headed goose is a winter migrant from
Ladakh and Tibet and inhabits Chorkhamara tank located adjoining the national park. There are 13 bird species of endangered status are reported here including Indian
peafowl and the birds belonging to the Accipitridae family. Some of the
birds found here are Red-collared Dove, Spotted Dove, Common Hawk-Cuckoo, Black-Winged
Kite, Egret and Cormorant.
There are about four species
of amphibians in this national park. Some of them are tree frogs, bull
frogs, six-toed frogs, an uncommon toad, and Ramanella Montana.
The Nagzira lake and the other waterbodies
in and around this national park abound in many varieties of fresh water
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